Summer Day Camp vs Overnight Camp

Nights and weekends off

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Weekends Off

Working at a day camp has many benefits that make it a better choice than working at an overnight camp. For one, working at a day camp allows you to have the weekends off from work. This can be especially important if you have a long day at camp and need to unwind and recharge.

Nights Off

At an overnight camp, you would be responsible for supervising campers throughout the night, which can be a demanding and exhausting job. At a day camp, you only have to worry about the campers during the day, which is more manageable.

Consistent Schedule

Working at a day camp allows you to have a more regular schedule. At an overnight camp, you would likely have to work long hours and may have to work on weekends, which can make it difficult to plan your life outside of camp. At a day camp, you can typically work regular business hours and have your evenings and weekends free, which can make it easier to balance your work and personal life.

Nearby Things to Do

Working at Camp Ramaquois can also be more convenient in terms of transportation. At an overnight camp, you would need to either live on site or arrange for transportation to and from the camp each day, which can be a hassle. At a day camp, you can simply get a ride to and from restaraunts, sight seeing, and countless things to do in the New York City area.

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